9 Tips to Reduce Risk of Heart Attack Or Stroke

Many conditions, together with the high vital sign, high steroid alcohol, atrial fibrillation, or diabetes, increase the chances of having a heart attack or stroke. Act now to reduce your risk.

1. Exercising daily continental

Moderate exercise lowers the risk of heart attack by 30-50%. Up to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise for at least 5 days a week. On two other days, practice strength. If you feel tired, split into several parts, and take advantage of the time as possible. Try walking for 15 minutes in the morning and another before lunch.

2. Lose weight with sensible targets

If you are overweight or obese, you do not have to learn to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. 5-10% weight loss alone can improve cholesterol and lower blood pressure and blood sugar.

3. Take heart medications

A study found that 130,000 Americans die each year because they do not take the medicine according to doctor's advice heart. Discover what prevents you from taking the medication - such as side effects, price, or often forget - and ask for help from a doctor.

4. Eat well

Try to follow a healthy diet and you can reduce the risk of heart disease by 25%. Fill your plate with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, and lean meats.
5. Do not drink too much alcohol
If you are a drinker, the good news is the alcohol can help your heart work. However, excessive amounts of alcohol increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and atrial fibrillation symptoms. To get the benefits without the risks, limit alcohol to a glass just for women and two drinks for men.

6. Eating a little chocolate

Some studies show that people who eat chocolate more than once a week lowered the risk of heart disease by almost 40%, diabetes by about 30%, and stroke by regarding half-hour. till researchers verify the quantity of chocolate that lowers the risk, keep your portions small so keep your weight has not increased and made the work of the heart.

7. Do not smoke

Smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke drastically. You should not even be a passive smoker. Each year, approximately 46,000 people die from heart disease caused by exposure to cigarette smoke.

8. Go to the dentist

Dental cleaning every 6 months may reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by 24% to 13%. The dentist may also find signs of heart disease - such as swollen gums or teeth fall out - before you or your doctor find the symptoms, so you get faster care.

9. Pay attention to symptoms and tell your doctor

Do not just expect your symptoms will disappear. Visit your doctor to find unusual symptoms - such as shortness of breath, heart rhythm changes, or fatigue. Doctors can do a lot of things to treat heart problems - once you ask for help.


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